News, thoughts and opinions from a right-wing christian drag queen!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

No my dear, there are no gays in Iran... not anymore!

From my dear friends at the

Mahmoud says: No Homosexuals in Iran
Posted by GayPatriotWest at 5:18 pm - September 24, 2007.Filed under: Gays in Other Lands
Wonder what the lesbian Sally Kohn was thinking as she was busy listening to one that terrorist-loving tyrant whom she found almost cuddly enough “to turn [her] straight” when he proclaimed that in his land, they “don’t have homosexuals like in your country.
At least this response did not earn the dictator much applause (as he reportedly got for other comments). Instead, Rich Lowry reports, the audience responded with “lots of derisive laughter.”
Pajamas has asked me to write on this. I’ll let you know when that piece is up. Until then, feel free to weigh in with your own comments on Mahmoud’s claim about homosexuals in his land. The piece is now up on Pajamas!.
UPDATE: Maybe Mahmoud doesn’t think they have gays in his land because his government has been busy executing them.
-Dan (GayPatriotWest)
GP Update: Here are some of the gays that never existed in Iran, according to its President.
When I heard Ahmadinejad’s statement that “there are no gays in Iran”, it immediately made me fear for the gays that are there. Hitler systematically erased Jews in Germany, both literally and by erasing their existence in public records and history books.
Any gay or lesbian American that still denies Islamists are targeting gays, and instead thinks President Bush is the enemy, demonstrates the true definition of a ”self-loathing homosexual.”
-Bruce (GayPatriot)

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