Well Grandma Pelosi is not winning points with this statement. While I agree that Christianity is not harmed by this ad, that is not really the point. How do you think the Muslim world would react if instead of the last supper the ad portrayed Mohammad all leathered up in a sling? So why should Christians not stand up for what we believe to be offensive?
Pelosi: Sadomasochistic Last Supper Ad Doesn't 'Harm' Christianity
By Nathan BurchfielCNSNews.com Staff WriterSeptember 28, 2007(CNSNews.com) -
A controversial advertisement for a San Francisco festival that depicts the Last Supper as a sadomasochism party falls within the First Amendment and is not harmful to Christianity, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday.
The ad for the Folsom Street Fair - to be held in Pelosi's district on Sunday and which is partly funded by San Francisco's Grants for the Arts program, which is funded by the city's hotel tax - sparked outrage from Christian groups because it mirrors Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting of "The Last Supper" but replaces Jesus and his apostles with scantily leather-clad men and women sitting at a table adorned with sex toys.
Pelosi: Sadomasochistic Last Supper Ad Doesn't 'Harm' Christianity
By Nathan BurchfielCNSNews.com Staff WriterSeptember 28, 2007(CNSNews.com) -
A controversial advertisement for a San Francisco festival that depicts the Last Supper as a sadomasochism party falls within the First Amendment and is not harmful to Christianity, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday.
The ad for the Folsom Street Fair - to be held in Pelosi's district on Sunday and which is partly funded by San Francisco's Grants for the Arts program, which is funded by the city's hotel tax - sparked outrage from Christian groups because it mirrors Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting of "The Last Supper" but replaces Jesus and his apostles with scantily leather-clad men and women sitting at a table adorned with sex toys.
A spokesman for Pelosi told a San Francisco publication yesterday that the ad would not harm Christianity. Cybercast News Service put Pelosi herself on the spot at a news conference in the U.S. Capitol Friday. Here's the exchange between the reporter and Pelosi.
CNSNews.com:"I'd like to get local for a second and talk about what's going on in San Francisco. Your spokesman told the Bay Area Reporter that the Folsom Street Fair advertisement mocking the last supper would not harm Christianity. I'm wondering if you find the advertisement personally offensive."
"And as a follow up, the city's Grants for the Arts program, funded by the city's hotel tax, subsidizes the fair. Do you think that it's fair to tax everyone who visits San Francisco and stays in a hotel to support the fair?"
Pelosi: "Well that's not really a local question. That's a constitutional question. That's a religious question. That's as big a global question as you can ask. I'm a big believer in First Amendment and therefore, as I said in my statement, I do not believe that Christianity has been harmed by the Folsom Street Fair advertising."
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